Review #114
Here is what the Brewer says:
Here is what the Brewer says:
The devil made us do it. From the ABV and the IBU figures to the fiendish use of Cascade, Perle, and Willamette hops, Lucifer was whispering in our ears the entire time. Citrus and pine scents greet you and you are followed by the sharp bitterness expected of an IPA. The beer's true wicketness is revealed in the smooth Pale, Crystal 30, and wheat malts that surreptitiously broaden the beer's appeal to more than just hopheads.
My Thoughts: This brew poured a very hazy orange/copper with a fair amount of foamy head. This brew also left very nice lacing throughout. The smell was a bit malty with hints of citrus and pine. I wasn't blown away by the smell of this IPA. The taste started off just like the smell hit me. The pale malt comes out pretty robustly right from the start. After this initial sweeter shock the hops do come out. Pine and citrus both make appearances in the 2nd half of this beer. There is lingering bitterness in the end, just not as much as I'd expect in an IPA called 'Diabolical'. The body of this beer was average, as was the carbonation. Mouthfeel was good, but not spectacular. As I drank this beer I did like it a little bit more, but honestly I don't see myself buying a 6 pack of this. I much preferred North Peak's Wheat IPA to this.
Serving Type: 12oz bottle
My Rating: Overall 70/100
look: 4 | smell: 3.25 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5| drink: 3.5
Bottled on March 2, 2011---Reviewed on April 11, 2011 |
Great write up. Love the born on date though it sounds like this may not be their IPA. Good stuff.