Here is what the Brewer says:
Hoppy Feet has been lovingly crafted by combining Premium malt with lots of Amarillo and Columbus Hops. Grapefruit and Pine are balanced on the nose and on the palate by a nutty, dark chocolate, roasted backbone.
Thanks to @MrSchenker for picking this up for me to review!
My Thoughts:
This beer poured deep black with rich tan foamy head. The head diminished rather quickly to about 1/8th inch, which remained for the rest of the beer. The smell right off the bat was of pine hops with some earthy fresh dry hops. On the nose there was also a background of chocolate and coffee rich really gave this a very smooth and pleasing smell. The taste followed the nose with a rich, chewy dark chocolate sweetness that is balanced with great hoppy and coffee bitterness from start to finish. The lingering coffee/hoppy bitterness at the end really makes you want to go back for another sip. Mouthfeel is creamy, rich and smooth, with medium carbonation and a dry hoppy finish. I really enjoyed this brew and I could see myself having this in my fridge if I wanted a nice smooth sipping, fuller bodied black IPA. (If they sold it in Ohio!!)
Serving Type: 22oz bottle
My Rating: Overall 88.5/100
look: 4.5 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.25| drink: 4.25
This beer poured deep black with rich tan foamy head. The head diminished rather quickly to about 1/8th inch, which remained for the rest of the beer. The smell right off the bat was of pine hops with some earthy fresh dry hops. On the nose there was also a background of chocolate and coffee rich really gave this a very smooth and pleasing smell. The taste followed the nose with a rich, chewy dark chocolate sweetness that is balanced with great hoppy and coffee bitterness from start to finish. The lingering coffee/hoppy bitterness at the end really makes you want to go back for another sip. Mouthfeel is creamy, rich and smooth, with medium carbonation and a dry hoppy finish. I really enjoyed this brew and I could see myself having this in my fridge if I wanted a nice smooth sipping, fuller bodied black IPA. (If they sold it in Ohio!!)
Serving Type: 22oz bottle
My Rating: Overall 88.5/100
look: 4.5 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.25| drink: 4.25
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