Sunday, May 22, 2011

Southern Tier Jahva Imperial Coffee Stout

Beer Review #122
Here is what the Brewer says:
Three thousand feet above sea level in the misty mountains of Jamaica, some of the world’s finest Arabica beans are hand picked on their way to becoming Blue Mountain Coffee. Halfway around the world, plump spring barley grows to maturity in the loamy soil of North America while aromatic hops are cultivated to exacting standards. Here in our kettles, these three special ingredients are blended to create a heady mixture of sweet sugar, dark roast, and complex flavor. Please enjoy this brew in moderation.
10.6% abv
My Thoughts:  This beer poured dark brown, almost black in color with a tan foamy head that reduced quickly and left minimal lacing.   The smell had a strong coffee, espresso, and dark chocolate sweetness with a hint of alcohol.   The first flavor to hit your palate is roasted coffee, which is quickly followed by dark roasted black and caramel malt and a hint of hop bitterness.  I was pleasantly surprised how well the hops came through in suck a dark and powerfully flavored imperial stout. Make no mistake about it though, coffee is the main flavor from start to finish.  The lingering taste has almost a coffee liquor taste to it, and ABVs do come out more and more as you drink this beer!   The body was average on this dark brew, and the carbonation was on the lower end.  I found one 22oz bottle to be very pleasing to drink, but I wouldn't see myself drinking two of these in a row because of the strong forward nature of both the coffee and the ABVs.
Serving Type: 22oz Bottle
My Rating: Overall 83.5/100
Look: 4.25 | Smell: 4.25 | Taste: 4.25 | Feel: 4 | Drink: 4

1 comment:

  1. Love Southern Tier Jahva and the mohka too!!



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