Review #116
Here is what the Brewer says:
Here is what the Brewer says:
Hop Dam has been a long time in the works, and its design required us to build a large stainless steel hop dam for our kettle, just for this beer! It was worth all the effort, because this beer is extremely hoppy and very satisfying, using 50% more hops than our Mean Manalishi Double IPA, which was voted Best Double IPA In The World by the US Beer Tasting Championships. Hop Dam is 10% alcohol by volume, and really hoppy, with a bitterness level that is very high but refined and therefore refreshing – its like kissing a hop!! Along with all the standard hop additions, it is also mash-hopped, first-kettle-hopped, and dry-hopped!!! Hop Dam is a 100% American-style IPA, dominated by the top-rated, assertive and refined Amarillo hops, along with lots of aroma and flavor from Columbus, and Cascade, and the wonderful Summit hops – the very special dwarf hop plant picked by hand, and sought-after for its great flavor and aroma. These hops work great together, and make Hop Dam TRIPLE IPA our new standard for hoppy beers!! It will be available for only a few months, so get Hop Dam while it lasts!
My Thoughts: This beer poured a clear copper color with visible sediment floating in the pour. The head was minimal even with a quick pour, and reduced to a small crown around the glass. The smell right off the bad is super hoppy. Citrus and pine both explode out of the glass in a very aggressive manner. Initially some caramel malt tries to creep in but is quickly washed away by an assault of massive pine and some grapefruit. The finish of this drink leaves a very strong bitterness that lingers on very a very long time. As this beer warms a bit the bitterness and ABVs seem to come out even more strongly. So strongly in fact that the back of my throat really started to dry out. Mouthfeel of this beer is medium and the carbonation was mild. This beers name really says it all "HOP DAM!". This is not a beer you drink, it is a beer you must sip. It took me twice as long to drink this triple IPA as it did say a Hoppin Frog Mean Manalishi, Three Floyds Dreadnaught or Arctic Panzer Wolf. I would have to call the drinkability lower on this one because I couldn't drink two of these in a row. Another factor to consider is the $15.99 price tag for a 22oz bottle, not cheap my any means. If you are a HopHead like me, it is worth a try, but I am happy I only bought 1 bottle of Hop Dam this year.
Serving Type: 22oz bottle
My Rating: Overall 72/100
Look: 4.25 | Smell: 4 | Taste: 3.5 | Feel: 3.5 | Drink: 3
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